
SA 8000 and ISO 26000 Social Accountability Documentation and Training Kit contains more than 120 editable MS-Word files and training presentation ppts. Here the editable SA 8000 and ISO 26000 Social Accountability documents and training ppt address all the elements of the SA8000 & ISO 26000 system. You can buy SA 8000&ISO 26000 Integrated Documentation Kit for your certification based on standards.

  • A Manual
  • Required Procedures
  • Formats
  • Sample Filled Forms

Original price was: $900.00.Current price is: $790.00.



For businesses and organizations committed to operating in a socially responsible way, there’s ISO 26000. It provides guidance to those who recognize that respect for society and
environment is a critical success factor. As well as being the “right thing” to do, application of ISO 26000 is increasingly viewed as a way of assessing an organization’s commitment to
sustainability and its overall performance.

ISO 26000:2010 provides guidance rather than requirements, so it cannot be certified to unlike some other well-known ISO standards.

The SA8000 Standard is the world’s leading social certification program. It provides a holistic framework allowing organizations of all types, in any industry, and in any country to
demonstrate their dedication to the fair treatment of workers. Created by SAI in 1997 as the first credible social certification, it has led the industry for over 20 years. SA8000 is available
for organizations of any size, in any industry, and in nearly every country of the world.

Elements of the Standard

•Child Labor
•Forced or Compulsory Labor
•Health and Safety
•Freedom of Association & Right to Collective Bargaining
Disciplinary Practices
•Working Hours
•Management System

Content of SA8000 and ISO 26000 Documentation and Training Kit
Global Manager Group offers this SA 8000 and ISO 26000 Social Accountability Documentation and Training kit contains a set of a total of more than 120 editable files, which are based on Social Accountability Requirements as per ISO 26000 standard.


It includes the following readymade templates that can be used as a ready reference tool to accelerate the documentation process for SA 8000 certification.

  1. Social Manual – The editable Social manual and clause-wise details on how SA8000 & ISO 26000 systems.
  2. Procedures – The mandatory procedures are as per SA8000 covering all the details like purpose, scope, responsibility.
  3. Process Approach – There are 2 process approach as per SA 8000.
  4. Policies – There are 09 Policies as per ISO/IEC 19770-1:2017 are provided.
  5. Standard Operating Procedures and Plan – Total 21 SOPs are provided as per social accountability.
  6. Social committee – Total 12 files are social committee as per SA 8000 provided.
  7. Blank Formats /Templates – 48 blank editable sample forms to maintain records as well as establish control and create system in the organization.
  8. Emergency Plan & OHSMPs – 02 emergency response plan and OHSMP progress monitoring report.
  9. SA 8000 Audit checklists – More than 200 audit questions based on the SA 8000 requirements for each department.
  10. SA 8000 document compliance matrix – 01 Excel has given to understand how the system is made.


It includes following ppt presentation slides as bellow:

  1. Overview of SA 8000 and ISO 26000 – 42 ppt slides
  2. SA 8000 requirements – 39 slides
  3. ISO 26000 requirements – 126 slides
  4. Social accountability documentation – 14 slides
  5. Step for SA 8000 certification – 07 slides.

Literature: A literature to understand SA 8000 and ISO 26000 subject well in 05 chapters. (Total 30 pages in Ms. Word)

Part-1: Documented information package:

Our documentation kit contains sample documents required for SA 8000 certification as listed below. All documents are in MS-Word/Excel files and you can edit them. You can make changes as per your organization’s need and within few days your entire documents with all necessary controls will be ready. In the SA 8000, documented information (procedures, etc.) are required a few places only. But for making the system better, we have provided many editable templates from which a user can select templates as per their own requirement and make some minor changes in them to make own system. Two types of documented information are provided in this kit, as listed below:
1. Maintain documented information (Scope, Social Manual, etc.)
2. Retain documented information (Forms / Templates)
Under the main directories, further files are provided in MS Word document as per the details given below.

1. Social Manual:

It covers sample copy of Social Manual and clause-wise details on how SA8000 & ISO 26000 systems are implemented. It covers the context of organization, sample policy, objectives, scope,
organizations structure as well as macro level each requirements of SA8000 & ISO 26000 on how it is implemented in the organization. It covers SA8000 documents for tier-1. It has total 7 chapters that cover company profile, amendment sheet, index, clause wise details as per SA8000 for implementation. It covers sample copy of Social Manual and clause-wise details on how SA8000 & ISO 26000 systems are implemented.

(A) Table of Contents
Section – 1
1 Company Profile, Table of Contents and Authorization Statement
2 Control And Distribution
Section – 2
Social Accountability Requirements – SA 8000 & Guidance on social responsibility as per ISO 26000 standard
Child Labour
Forced and compulsory labour
Health and Safety
Freedom of Association & Right to collective Bargaining.
Disciplinary Practices.
Working Hours
Management Systems
4 Principles of social responsibility
4.1 General
4.2 Accountability
4.3 Transparency
4.4 Ethical behaviour
4.5 Respect for stakeholder interests
4.6 Respect for the rule of law
4.7 Respect for international norms of behaviour
4.8 Respect for human rights
5 Recognizing social responsibility and engaging stakeholders
5.1 General
5.2 Recognizing social responsibility
5.3 Stakeholder identification and engagement
6 Guidance on social responsibility core subjects
6.1 General
6.2 Organizational governance
6.3 Human rights
6.4 Labour practices
6.5 The environment
6.6 Fair operating practices
6.7 Consumer issues
6.8 Community involvement and development
7 Guidance on integrating social responsibility throughout an organization
7.1 General
7.2 The relationship of an organization’s characteristics to social responsibility
7.3 Understanding the social responsibility of an organization
7.4 Practices for integrating social responsibility throughout an organization
7.5 Communication on social responsibility
7.6 Enhancing credibility regarding social responsibility
7.7 Reviewing and improving an organization’s actions and practices related to social Responsibility
7.8 Voluntary initiatives for social responsibility
ANX-I List of procedures
ANX-II Glossary of terms

2. Procedures (16 procedures):

It covers a sample copy of mandatory procedures as per SA8000 covering all the details like purpose, scope, responsibility, how procedure is followed as well as the list of exhibits, reference documents and formats. The list of sample procedures provided is as below.

List of Procedures

  1. Procedure for Management Review
  2. Procedure for Document & Data Control
  3. Procedure for Control of Record
  4. Procedure for Internal Audit
  5. Procedure for Training
  6. Procedure for Corrective & Preventive Action
  7. Procedure for Control of Suppliers
  8. Procedure for Communication
  9. Procedure for Hazards Identification and Risk Assessment
  10. Procedure for Identification Of Legal and Other Requirements
  11. Procedure for Objectives & Targets
  12. Procedure for OHSMP
  13. Procedure for Incident Investigation, Non- Conformity, Corrective Action & Preventive Action
  14. Procedure for Operation Control
  15. Procedure for Emergency Preparedness and Response
  16. Procedure for Performance Monitoring and Measurement

3. Process approach (02 process approach):

Sample copies of process approach as per SA 8000 are provided. The list of sample process approach provided in the kit is given below.

List of process approach

  1. Process approach for externally provided processes/product/services purchase activity
  2. Process approach for training activity


4. Policies (09 policies):

Sample copies of policies as per ISO/IEC 19770-1:2017 are provided. The list of sample policies provided in the kit is given below.

List of policies

  1. Policy on Religion, Cast, Regional, Sexual, Racial Harassment or Bullying
  2. Grievance Policy
  3. Policy Of Equal Opportunities (No discrimination)
  4. Discipline Action Policy and Procedure
  5. HIV / AIDS Policy
  6. Policy On Honest Work Practice (Anti Bribery Policy)
  7. Ethical Trading Policy
  8. Collective Bargaining policy
  9. OHS Policy

5. Standard Operating Procedures and Plan (21 SOPs):

Sample copies of standard operating procedures as per social accountability are provided. The list of standard operating procedures provided in the kit is given below.

List of Standard Operating Procedures

  1. Handling, Storage and Disposal
  2. Mock Drill
  3. Safety and Security
  4. Accident Reporting, Investigation and Analysis
  5. General Follow – Up
  6. Maintenance Activities
  7. Unloading, Handling And Storage Of Petroleum And Gas
  8. Elimination Of Risk Of Accident During Operation Of Pressure Vessel
  9. Stores
  10. Emergency Plant Shutdown
  11. Working condition in the organization
  12. Child and force labour
  13. Training and career management
  14. Labour Relations
  15. Discrimination
  16. Fundamental Human rights
  17. Whistle blowing channel
  18. Fraud policy
  19. Grievance
  20. Discipline action
  21. CSR Policy

6. Social committee

Sample copies of social committee as per SA 8000 are provided. The list of sample social committee provided in the kit is given below.

List of Social committee


  1. Grievance Committee                             Grievance Committee meeting Record
  2. Harassment Committee                          Harassment Committee meeting record
  3. Quality Control Committee                    Quality Control Committee Meeting Record
  4. Safety Committee                                   Safety Committee Meeting Record
  5. Works Committee                                   Works Committee Meeting Record
  6. Sexual harassment committee                Sexual harassment committee Meeting Record

7. Blank sample formats for all the departments (48 sample formats)

This directory includes sample copy of blank forms that are required to maintain records as well as establish control and create system in the organization. The samples are given for the users as a guide to follow. The organization is free to change the same to suit their own requirements. The blank formats can be used as templates. A total of 48 blank formats are provided as per the list given below..

List of blank formats

  1. Corrective & Preventive Action Report
  2. Evaluation of HIRA
  3. Initial OHS Review Of Prioritization Of Significant hazards and Its risk Feasibility Analysis
  4. OHSMP Progress Monitoring Report
  5. Near Miss Report Near Miss Report
  6. Clause wise Document wise Audit Review Report – SA8000
  7. Clause wise Document wise Audit Review Report – ISO 26000
  8. Investigation report
  9. Work Permit Report
  10. Location List of Fire Extinguishers
  11. List of Chain Pulley Blocks ,lifts, Pressure Vessel
  12. First aid box Check List
  13. Fire fighting checklist
  14. Fire hydrant Check list
  15. PPE Preventive maintenance Check point
  16. Eye wash/Shower Check List
  17. Vehicle Check point
  18. Waste/Used oil Control Monitoring Report
  19. Purchase Order
  20. Indent & Incoming Inspection Record
  21. Approved Vendor List cum Open Purchase Order
  22. Supplier Registration form
  23. Open Purchase Order
  24. Master list and Distribution list of Document
  25. Change Note
  26. Calibration Status Of Instruments/Equipment
  27. Master list of Records
  28. Quality ,Safety Objective & Target
  29. Audit Plan/Schedule
  30. Internal Audit Non Conformity Record
  31. Safety inspection check list
  32. Grievance records
  33. Continual Improvement Plan
  34. Corrective Action Report
  35. Preventive Action Report
  36. Scrap Yard Monitoring Report
  37. Check list for Employee personal record file
  38. Skill Matrix
  39. Training Report
  40. Job Description & Specification
  41. Induction Training Report
  42. List of Licenses / Certificates
  43. Employee competency report
  44. Training Calendar
  45. Housekeeping Checking Report
  46. Earthing Pit Maintenance Report
  47. Social Performance Team (SPT)
  48. Risk analysis sheet


8. Emergency Plan & OHSMPs

Sample copies of emergency response plan and OHSMP progress monitoring report. The list of OHS plan and OHSMP provided in the kit is given below.

List of OHS plan and OHSMP

  1. Major Emergency Response Plan – At Site
  2. Major Emergency Response Plan – At Office
  3. To provide guards on all moving parts to avoid risk of accidents during operation of such moving parts.
  4. To provide and maintain compliance and requirement for protection against COVID 19.


9. SA 8000 Audit checklist (more than 200 questions)

This covers audit questions based on the SA 8000 requirements for each department as per the list of departments given below. It will be a very good tool for the auditors to make audit questionnaire for auditing. It will bring effectiveness in auditing. A total of more than 200 Questions are prepared on the basis of SA 8000. It can be logically used for auditing during internal audit for SA 8000 to establish proper audit trail.


10. Sample risk assessment sheet

A ready-to-use risk template in editable form is given to prepare the risk document for the organization. It is given in an excel format and can be used as a template.

11. SA 8000 Compliance Matrix

This compliance matrix contains SA 8000 requirement wise list of documented information for easy reference of users and to understand how this system is made.

Part-2: Training: SA 8000 and ISO 26000 awareness training:

A. Presentation: –

Under this directory further files are made in power point presentation as per the chapter listed below.
Topic wise power point presentation in 6 modules as listed below.

1. Overview of SA 8000 and ISO 26000

It covers overview of Social accountability, benefits and summary of overall system and process for SA 8000 and ISO 26000.

2. SA 8000 requirements
It covers SA 8000 systems, requirements, to establish the social accountability, It gives explanation for many concepts and given in plain English.

3. ISO 26000 requirements

It covers ISO 26000 systems, requirements, to establish the social accountability, It gives explanation for many concepts and given in plain English.

4. Social accountability documentation

It covers social accountability documented information details and list of areas where standard demands for documented information. Such documented information with list against the requirements is given.

5. Step for SA 8000 certification

It covers implementation methodology, steps for SA 8000 certification, the non-conformances, and process, what happens during a certification audit.

B. The literature to understand SA 8000 and ISO 26000 subject well:-

This topic covers write up for the ready reference to the participant for understanding and reading the subject to get in depth knowledge on the subject.
It is given in word. You may also use it for further reading and circulations within audience.

  1. Overview of SA 8000 and ISO 26000
  2. SA 8000 requirements
  3. ISO 26000 requirements
  4. Social accountability documentation
  5. Step for SA 8000 certification

C. Total 02 workshops to understand SA 8000 requirements:-

This topic covers 02 workshops and total 20 questions with details to find out the SA 8000 applicable clause number to check effectiveness of training gained by students.

How useful?

  • Complete set of manuals, procedures, templates, etc., takes care of all the sections and sub-sections to get better confidence.
  • The user/ISO consultants can modify readymade templates as per their working system and they can create their own documents for quick SA 8000 certification.
  • Procedures and formats are provided in document kit can help in fine-tuning the processes and complies with the SA 8000 & ISO 26000 Social Accountability of system standards.
  • This SA 8000 & ISO 26000 Social Accountability Documentation kit saves much time and costs in document preparation.
  • It gives value for money to customers and payback is very low.
  • Ready to use templates in .doc format will give accuracy in the SA 8000 & ISO 26000 Social Accountability Documentation process.