
ISO 22301 documentation and training kit contains more than 165 editable MS-Word files and training presentation ppt. These editable documents address all the elements of the business continuity management system.

  • A Manual
  • Required Procedures
  • Formats
  • Sample Filled Forms

Original price was: $1,050.00.Current price is: $150.00.



Ready-to-use templates in .doc format will reduce your time in the documentation process as well as useful in giving training to staff.

Content of ISO 22301:2019 Documentation and Training kit

The ISO 22301 Documentation and Training kit for Business continuity management system contains a set of total 165 editable files, which are based on requirements of ISO 22301:2019 standard,

It includes following readymade templates that can be used as a ready reference tool to accelerate the documentation process for BCMS certification.

  1. ISO 22301 Manual – Editable BCMS Manual with 10 chapters and 04 annexure for business continuity management system requirements.
  2. BCMS Procedures – total 19 mandatory procedures in word format for various requirements as well as technical reviews of the business continuity process.
  3. BCMS Policies – 09 policies on business continuity management system.
  4. Exhibits – sample copy of 07 exhibits that covers all the details.
  5. Standard Operating Procedures – 13 SOPs in editable formats that required for defining standard operations as per Codex guidelines.
  6. Readymade Formats – 58 blank editable sample forms to maintain records as well as establish control and make the system as per BCMS requirements.
  7. Job Description – total 18 job description, defines all the details of managers and team leaders role for better implementation.
  8. ISO 22301 Audit Checklist – More than 350 sample audit questions based on all the BCMS requirements.
  9. Document Compliance Matrix: 01 Excel given to understand ISO 22301:2019 clause wise document compliance matrix.


It includes more than 130 ppt presentation slides as bellow:

  1. Overview of ISO 22301:2019 – 36 ppt slides
  2. ISO 22301:2019 requirements – 63 ppt slides
  3. ISO 22301:2019 documentation – 16 ppt slides
  4. Step for ISO 22301:2019 certification – 18 ppt slides


A literature to understand ISO 22301:2019 subject well in 04 chapters, 02 workshops and 01 case study. (Total 30 pages in Ms. Word)

The ISO 22301 Documentation and Training kit is developed to guide organizations for Business Continuity Management System certification as per ISO 22301:2019 requirements. Business Continuity Management System standard ISO 22301:2019 required a specific set of documents for its effective implementation and certification. This ready made ISO 22301 documentation kit is designed to minimize the time and cost involved in certification as well as better control over the implemented BCMS system.


Our documentation kit contains sample documents required for ISO 22301:2019 certification as listed below. All documents are in MS-Word/Excel files and you can edit them. You can make changes as per your organization’s need and within few days your entire documents with all necessary controls will be ready. In the ISO 22301:2019, documented information (procedures, policies, SOPs, etc.) are required a few places only. But for making the system better, we have provided many editable templates from which a user can select templates as per their own requirement and make some minor changes in them to make own system. Two types of documented information are provided in this kit, as listed below:

  1. Maintain documented information (Scope, Manual, etc.)
  2. Retain documented information (Forms / Templates)

Under the main directories, further files are provided in MS Word document as per the details given below.

1. BCMS Manual:

It is a sample copy of BCMS manual having clause-wise details of how ISO 22301 system is implemented. The BCMS manual is tier-1 of ISO 22301 documents and covers list of procedures
as well as overview of organization. This manual has total 10 chapters covering company profile, amendment sheet, index, clause-wise details as per ISO 22301 for implementation, sample
quality policy and organization chart.
ISO 22301:2012 Manual Index
Section – 1
1. Table of Contents and Authorization Statement
2. Company Profile
3. Control and Distribution
Section – 2
4. Context of the Organization
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Legal and regulatory requirements
4.3 Determining the scope of the business continuity management system
4.3.1 General
4.3.2 Scope of the business continuity management system
4.4 Business continuity management system
5. Leadership
5.1 Leadership and commitment
5.2 Policy
5.2.1 Establishing the business continuity policy
5.2.2 Communicating the business continuity policy
5.3 Roles, responsibilities and authorities
6. Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.1.1 Determining risks and opportunities
6.1.2 Addressing risk and opportunities
6.2 Business continuity objectives and planning to achieve them
6.2.1 Establishing business continuity objectives
6.2.2 Determining business continuity objectives
6.3 Planning changes to the business continuity management system
7. Support
7.1 Resources
7.2 Competence
7.3 Awareness
7.4 Communication
7.5 Documented information
7.5.1 General
7.5.2 Creating & Updating
7.5.3 Control of documented information
8. Operation
8.1 Operational planning and control
8.2 Business impact analysis and risk assessment
8.2.1 General
8.2.2 Business impact analysis
8.2.3 Risk Assessment
8.3 Business continuity strategies and solutions
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Identification of strategies and solutions
8.3.3 Selection of strategies and solutions
8.3.4 Resource requirement
8.3.5 Implementation of solution
8.4 Establish and implement business continuity procedures
8.4.1 General
8.4.2 Response Structure
8.4.3 Warning and Communication
8.4.4 Business continuity plans
8.4.5 Recovery
8.5 Exercising programme
8.6 Evaluation of business continuity documentation and capabilities
9. Performance Evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
9.2 Internal audit
9.3 Management review
10. Improvement
10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action
10.2 Continual Improvement
ANX-I List Of BCMS Procedures and Policies
ANX-II Glossary Of Terms
ANX-III Process Flow Chart
ANX-IV Organization Chart

2. Procedures (19 Procedures):

Sample copies of mandatory procedures as per ISO 22301 are provided, which cover all the details like purpose, scope, responsibility, how procedure is followed as well as the list of exhibits, reference documents and formats. The list of sample procedures provided in the kit is given below.

List of procedure

  1. Approach procedure for BCMS implementation
  2. Procedure for identification of applicable legal and regulatory requirements
  3. Procedure for scope documentation and implementation
  4. Procedure for competencies of personnel and training
  5. Procedure for communication with interested parties
  6. Procedure for business impact analysis
  7. Procedure for risk assessment and management
  8. Procedure for business continuity management
  9. Procedure for incident response system
  10. Procedure for BCMS exercise
  11. Procedure for business continuity strategy
  12. Procedures for restoring and returning business from temporary measures
  13. Procedure for process wise BCP testing
  14. Procedure for management review
  15. Procedure for documented information control
  16. Procedure for corrective action
  17. Procedure for control of record
  18. Procedure for internal business continuity management system audit
  19. Procedure for control of nonconformity and improvement

3. Policies (09 policies)

Sample copies of policies as per ISO 22301 are provided, The list of policies provided in the kit is given below;

List of policies

  1. IT Asset Management Policy
  2. Backup and Restoration Policy
  3. Change Management Policy
  4. Remote Access Policy
  5. Communication and Operations Management Policy
  6. Compliance Policy
  7. Network Security Policy
  8. Patch Management Policy
  9. Covid-19 Policy

4. Exhibits (07 exhibits).

It covers sample copy of exhibits covering all the details of ISO 22301:2012.

List of exhibits

  1. Exhibit for impact valuation
  2. Exhibit for business continuity objectives plan
  3. Exhibit for test and operational control plan
  4. Exhibit for test plan and test criteria
  5. Exhibit for onsite off site emergency preparedness plan
  6. Exhibit for skill requirements
  7. Exhibit for document identification and codification system

5. Standard operating procedures (13 SOPs):

It covers sample copy of SOPs to establish control and make system in the organization. The samples given are as a guide and not compulsory to follow and organization is free to change
the same to suit own requirements. The list of standard operating procedures provided in the kit is given below.

List of SOPs

  1. SOP for Business Continuity Testing
  2. SOP for Awareness regarding Business continuity
  3. SOP for Incident Reporting, Investigation and Analysis
  4. SOP for personnel security
  5. SOP for General follow up
  6. SOP for Handling of Virus Attacks
  7. SOP for Organization Security
  8. SOP for information security incident management
  9. SOP for Business Continuity Plan
  10. SOP for server hardening
  11. SOP for IT asset management
  12. SOP for business continuity Management
  13. SOP for Business continuity in Pandemic

6. Blank Formats (58 Formats):

This directory includes sample copy of blank forms that are required to maintain records as well as establish control and create system in the organization. The samples are given for the
users as a guide to follow. The organization is free to change the same to suit their own requirements. The blank formats can be used as templates. A total of 58 blank formats are
provided as per the list given below.

List of Formats

  1. Training Calendar
  2. Change management request
  3. Employees Competence Report
  4. Change management Implementation report
  5. Induction Training Report
  6. Business impact assessment report
  7. Training Report
  8. Breakdown History Card
  9. Skills Matrix Sheet
  10. Preventive Maintenance Check List
  11. Training, competence and Awareness Plan
  12. IT asset loss form
  13. Visitor Entry Register
  14. Network User Template
  15. Job Description and Specification
  16. Master List And Distribution List Of Document
  17. Purchase Order
  18. Change Note
  19. Outsourced Service Details
  20. Corrective Action Report
  21. Approved supplier list
  22. Master List Of Record
  23. Contracts and service level agreements (SLAs) with suppliers and outsourcing partners
  24. BCMS Objectives Achievement Plan
  25. Supplier audit performance report
  26. Audit Plan / Programme
  27. Third party risk management template
  28. Internal SYS Audit NCR Report
  29. List of legal, regulatory and other requirements
  30. ISO 22301 Audit Check List Report
  31. Risk Assessment and Treatment plan
  32. Continual Improvement Monitoring Log
  33. Form for business impact analysis interview sheet
  34. Report on BCMS management review minutes of meeting
  35. Business Continuity Incident Investigation form
  36. Communication register
  37. Decision sheet to communicate risk and impact externally
  38. Nature of nonconformities and actions taken
  39. Business continuity Management plan
  40. Interested party complaint report
  41. Business Continuity Test Report
  42. Interested party feedback form
  43. BCMS Objective Monitoring Report
  44. BCMS Management review minutes of meeting Agenda
  45. Post-incident review
  46. Near miss report
  47. Business continuity strategy
  48. Incident investigation report
  49. Business Continuity Test Plan
  50. Safety inspection checklist
  51. Business continuity management system Plan Progress Monitoring Report
  52. First aid box check list
  53. BCMS Objectives Review Monitoring Report
  54. Fire Frightening checklist
  55. Licensing Tracker
  56. Location List of Fire Extinguishers
  57. Capacity planning of IT Asset
  58. Vehicle check report

7. Job descriptions (19 job descriptions):

There is ready to use job descriptions with authority and responsibility defined for various categories of persons as listed below;

List of Job description

  1. Accounts Manager
  2. Availability Manager
  3. Business Development Manager
  4. Change Manager
  5. Configuration Manager
  6. Director
  7. HR Head
  8. Information Security Manager
  9. Manager Service
  10. Networking Engineer
  11. Problem Manager
  12. Project Manager
  13. Purchase Manager
  14. QA Manager
  15. Release and Deployment Manager
  16. Service Continuity coordinator
  17. Service Engineers
  18. Team Lead
  19. Asset Head

8. ISO 22301 BCMS Audit Checklist (more than 350 questions)

This covers audit questions based on the ISO 22301:2019 requirements. It will be a very good tool for the auditors to make audit questionnaire for auditing. It will bring effectiveness in
auditing. A total of more than 350 questions are prepared on the basis of ISO 22301:2019.

8. ISO 22301:2019 Compliance Matrix

This compliance matrix contains ISO 22301:2019 requirement wise list of documented information for easy reference of users and to understand how this system is made.

Part-2: Training: ISO 22301 awareness training:

A. Presentation:-

Under this directory further files are made in power point presentation as per the chapter listed below.
• Topic wise power point presentation in 4 modules as listed below.

1. Overview of ISO 22301

It covers Overview of business continuity management system, benefits and summary of overall system and change process for ISO 22301:2012.

2. ISO 22301 requirements

It covers BCMS ISO 22301 systems, Requirements, to establish the BCMS, It gives explanation for many concepts and given in plain English.

3. ISO 22301 BCMS documentation

It covers business continuity management system documented information details and list of areas where standard demands for documented information. Such documented information with list against the requirements is given.

4. Steps for ISO 22301:2012 certification

It covers implementation methodology, steps for ISO 22301:2019 certification, the non conformances, process, what happens during a certification audit.

B. A literature to understand ISO 22301:2012 subject well:-

This topic covers write up for the ready reference to the participant for understanding and reading the subject to get in depth knowledge on the subject.
It is given in word. You may also use it for further reading and circulations within audience.
Chapter No.                       Name of chapter
1.                           Overview of ISO 22301:2019
2.                           ISO 22301:2019 requirements
3.                           ISO 22301:2019 documentation
4.                           Step for ISO 22301:2019 certification
5.                           Work Shop – 1 & 2
6.                           Case Study – 1

How useful?

  • Complete set of manual, procedures, process flow charts, and templates, etc., takes care for all the sections and sub-sections to get better confidence as well as improve the quality system.
  • The user can modify ready made templates as per their working system and create their own documents for quick ISO 15378:2017 certification.
  • Procedures and formats are provided in document kit can help in fine-tuning the processes and establish better control over good manufacturing practices.
  • Documentation kit saves much time and costs in document preparation.
  • It gives value for money to the customer and payback for this product is very low.
  • Ready to use templates in .doc format will increase the level of accuracy and minimize repetitive work while documentation process.


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