
IATF 16949 documents contain more than 182 editable MS-Word files. These editable documents address all the elements of IATF 16949 Certification.

  • A Manual
  • Required Procedures
  • Formats
  • Sample Filled Forms

Original price was: $800.00.Current price is: $550.00.



Our documentation kit (Technical file) contains sample documents required for CE certification as listed below. All documents are in MS Word files and you can edit them. You can make changes as per your organization’s need and within few days your entire Technical File with all necessary controls will be ready.

Content of IATF 16949:2016 Certification Documents with Manual, procedures, audit checklist

The contents of the document kit which we offer include more than 182 files as listed below:

  1. IATF 16949 Quality Manual (10 chapters): A sample IATF 16949:2016 manual for quick certification.
  2. IATF 16949 Annexure (15 Annexure): A sample IATF16949:2016 annexure of the quality manual for quick certification.
  3. IATF 16949 Procedures (20 procedures): It includes 20 procedures to implement the system in the company and comply with standard requirements.
  4. Process (28 processes): Process for Quality management system for process input and output interaction.
  5. Process Flow Chart (13 process flow charts): Process flow charts for Quality management system for process mapping.
  6. Exhibits (04 exhibits): exhibits for Quality management system for understanding the system.
  7. Work Instruction (32 work instructions): work instruction for performing and controlling of machine process work.
  8. Plan (06 plans): plans for Quality management system control, monitoring, and measuring.
  9. Forms for record keeping (60 sample forms): A set of 60 IATF 16949 templates and standard forms to demonstrate the implementation of the system.
  10. Audit checklist (more than 350 questions): All these audit questions can be easily customizable for making your own audit checklist.
  11. Document compliance matrix (1 file): as per IATF 16949 clause wise required document compliance documented information.

All the IATF 16949 documents provided are editable and the user can easily modify the name of the company, its logo and other things required by your company for the preparation of IATF 16949 documents of your company in 3 days for quick certification.

The complete set of IATF 16949 documentation kit is designed based on good Quality management practices. The IATF 16949 documents provided by us can be used very effectively for educating vendors, employees, and management groups for the establishment of the best management system.

Documented information package: –

Our document kit comprises sample documents required for IATF 16949:2016 certification for automobile sector as listed below. All documents are in MS-Word / excel format and you can edit it. You can do changes as per your company needs and within few days your entire documents with all necessary system requirement scan be made ready. In the IATF 16949:2016, at few places, documented information are required. But for making better system, we have provided many templates from which a user can select to make own system with minor changes. Now, IATF 16949:2016 standard is not requiring manual, procedures, etc. It requires 2 type of documented information as listed below.
  1. Maintain documented information (including procedures at few places) Scope, quality manual, process, policy etc.)
  2. Retain documented information (Forms – templates)
Under this directory, further files are made in the Word Document as per the details listed below which you can edit it. All the documents are related to manufacturing / process industry.

1. Quality Manual (10 Chapters):

It covers sample copy of quality manual and clause-wise details on how IATF 16949:2016 systems are implemented. It covers the context of organization, sample policy, objectives, scope; organizations structure as well as macro level each requirement from 4 to 10 of IATF 16949:2016 on how it is implemented in the organization. It covers IATF 16949:2016 documents for tier-1. It has total 10 chapters that cover company profile, amendment sheet, index, clause wise details as per IATF 16949:2016 for implementation. It covers sample copy of quality manual and clause-wise details on how IATF 16949:2016 systems are implemented.
(A) Table of Contents
1 General Information
2 Authorization Statement and GEC Profile
3 Control & Distribution
4 Context of the organization
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context
4.2 Understanding the need and expectations of interested parties
4.3 Determining the scope of the quality management system
4.3.1 Determining the scope of the quality management system – supplemental
4.3.2 customer–specific requirements
4.4 Quality management system and its processes
5 Leadership
5.1 Leadership and commitment
5.1.1 General
5.1.2 Customer focus
5.2 Policy
5.2.1 Establishing the quality policy
5.2.2 Communicating the quality policy
5.3 The organizational roles, responsibilities, and authorities
5.3.1 Organizational roles, responsibilities, and authorities – supplemental
5.3.2 Responsibility and authority for product requirements and corrective actions
6 Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.2 Quality objectives and planning to achieve them
6.3 Planning of changes
7 Support
7.1 Resources
7.1.1 General
7.1.2 People
7.1.3 Infrastructure
7.1.4 Environment for the operation of processes
7.1.5 Monitoring and measuring resources
7.1.6 Organizational knowledge
7.2 Competence
7.2.1 Competence – supplemental
7.2.2 Competence – on–the–job training
7.2.3 Internal auditor competency
7.2.4 Second–party auditor competency
7.3 Awareness
7.3.1 Awareness – supplemental
7.3.2 Employee motivation and empowerment
7.4 Communication
7.5 Documented information
7.5.1 General
7.5.2 Creating and updating
7.5.3 Control of documented information
8 Operation
8.1 Operational planning and control
8.2 Requirements for products and services
8.2.1 Customer communication
8.2.2 Determining the requirements for products and services
8.2.3 Review of the requirements for products and services
8.2.4 Changes to product and service requirements
8.3 Design and development of products and services
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Design and development planning
8.3.3 Design and development inputs
8.3.4 Design and development controls
8.3.5 Design and development output
8.3.6 Design and development changes
8.4 Control of externally provided processes, products and services
8.4.1 General
8.4.2 Type and extent of control
8.4.3 Information for external providers
8.5 Production and service provision
8.5.1 Control of production and service provision
8.5.2 Identification and traceability
8.5.3 Property belonging to customers or external providers
8.5.4 Preservation
8.5.5 Post–delivery activities
8.5.6 Control of changes
8.6 Release of products and services
8.6.1 Release of products and services – supplemental
8.6.2 Layout inspection and functional testing
8.6.3 Appearance items
8.6.4 Verification and acceptance of conformity of externally provided products and services
8.6.5 Statutory and regulatory conformity
8.6.6 Acceptance criteria
8.7 Control of nonconforming outputs
9 Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
9.1.1 General
9.1.2 Customer satisfaction
9.1.3 Analysis and evaluation
9.2 Internal audit
9.3 Management review
9.3.1 General
9.3.2 Management review inputs
9.3.3 Management review outputs
10 Improvement
10.1 General
10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action
10.3 Continual improvement

2. Annexure of Quality Manual (15 Annexure):

It covers sample copy of quality manual annexure on how IATF 16949:2016 systems are implemented. It covers the context of list of documented information, Glossary of terms and Definitions, Quality Policy, Organization Structure, Organization Knowledge, Communication Matrix, corporate responsibility policy, List of Interested parties , Internal Laboratory Scope, List of Process Owner as per requirements of IATF 16949:2016 on how it is implemented in the organization. It covers IATF 16949:2016 documents for tier-1. It has total 15 annexure.
List of Annexure
Anx–I List of Documented Information
Anx–II Glossary of terms and Definitions
Anx–III Process Flow Chart
Anx–IV Quality Policy
Anx–V Organization Structure
Anx–VI Organization Knowledge
Anx–VII Communication Matrix
Anx–VIII Policy On Anti Bribery
Anx–IX Policy On Employee Code Of Conduct
Anx–X Ethical Escalation Policy
Anx–XI Whistle Blowing Policy
Anx–XII List of Interested parties
Anx–XIII Record Retention Policy
Anx-XIV Internal laboratory Scope
Anx-XV List of Process Owner

3. Procedures (20 procedures):

It covers a sample copy of mandatory procedures as per IATF 16949:2016 covering all the details like purpose, scope, responsibility, how procedure is followed as well as the list of exhibits, reference documents and formats. The list of sample procedures provided is as below.
List of Procedures
  1. PRO/QMS/01 – Document and Data Control
  2. PRO/QMS/02 – Corrective & Preventive Action
  3. PRO/QMS/03 – Internal Audit
  4. PRO/QMS/04 – Management Review
  5. PRO/QMS/05 – Control of Records
  6. PRO/QMS/06 – Control Of Monitoring And Measuring Equipment
  7. PRO/QMS/07 – Risk Management
  8. PRO/QMS/08 – Training
  9. PRO/QMS/09 – Contingency Plan
  10. PRO/QMS/10 – Communication
  11. PRO/QMS/11 – Failure Mode effect Analysis
  12. PRO/QMS/12 – Control Plan
  13. PRO/DND/01 – Design & Development Procedure
  14. PRO/PRD/01 – Control of Non–Conforming Products and Services
  15. PRO/MKT/01 – Customer Survey
  16. PRO/MKT/02 – Contract Review
  17. PRO/PUR/01 – Purchasing
  18. PRO/STR/01 – Identification of products
  19. PRO/STR/02 – Traceability
  20. PRO/STR/03 – Preservation

4. Process (28 process templates)

It covers guideline for processes interaction model useful for process input and output. It covers activities of all the main and critical processes as listed below with input-output matrix for organization. It helps any organization in process mapping as well as preparing process documents for own organization. In Input and output matrix list of documents input and output as well as interlink age of documents with other departments are given.
List of process
  1. Interaction of Processes                                                                                PRS/MNT/01
  2. Managing Calibration and Verification Records                                            PRS/QC/01
  3. Competences                                                                                                 PRS/HR/01
  4. Employee Motivation & Empowerment                                                        PRS/HR/02
  5. Internal Auditor Competency                                                                        PRS/QMS/01
  6. Statutory & Regulatory Requirements (Process to Ensure That Purchased Products, Processes, And Services Conform The Current
    Applicable Statutory and Regulatory Requirements in the Country of Receipt ,the country of Shipment and the Customer Identified
    Countries of destination)                                                                                  PRS/QMS/02
  7. Control Of Changes                                                                                      PRS/QMS/03
  8. Internal Audit Program                                                                                 PRS/QMS/04
  9. Continual Improvement Process                                                                   PRS/QMS/05
  10. Second party audits process                                                                       PRS/QMS/06
  11. Review, Distribution and implementation of All Customer Engineering Standard / Specification                                         PRS/MKT/01
  12. Design & Development Process                                                                  PRS/DND/01
  13. Manufacturing Process Design Input Requirements                                    PRS/DND/02
  14. Product Safety                                                                                              PRS/PRD/01
  15. Process to identify, Document and Implement Special Characteristics      PRS/PRD/02
  16. Identification and Traceability Process                                                        PRS/PRD/03
  17. Control Of Reworked Product                                                                     PRS/PRD/04
  18. Control Of Repaired Product                                                                       PRS/PRD/05
  19. Nonconforming Product Disposition                                                           PRS/PRD/06
  20. Problem Solving                                                                                           PRS/PRD/07
  21. Error Proofing                                                                                               PRS/PRD/08
  22. Total Productive Maintenance                                                                      PRS/PRD/09
  23. Indentify ,Document and Maintain a list of Process Controls, Including Inspection Measuring, Test and Error-Proofing devices that includes
    the primary Process Control and Approval Back-Up or Alternate Methods     PRS/PRD/10
  24. Contingency Plan                                                                                         PRS/PRD/11
  25. Maintenance Objectives                                                                               PRS/PRD/12
  26. Supplier Selection Process                                                                           PRS/PUR/01
  27. Process to Indentify Outsourced Processes                                                 PRS/PUR/02
  28. Supplier Monitoring                                                                                     PRS/PUR/03

5. Process approach (13 process approach templates)

It covers guideline for processes, flow chart and process model useful for process mapping. It covers process flow chart and activities of all the main and critical processes as listed below with input-output matrix for organization. It helps any organization in process mapping as well as preparing process documents for own organization. In Input and output matrix list of documents input and output as well as interlink age of documents with other departments are given.
List of process approach
  1. E/QMS/02/CSD – Process Flow Chart of Customer Service
  2. E/QMS/02/DES – Process Flow Chart of Dispatch
  3. E/QMS/02/DND – Process Flow Chart of Design And Development
  4. E/QMS/02/ENG – Process Flow Chart of Engineering
  5. E/QMS/02/MKT – Process Flow Chart of Marketing
  6. E/QMS/02/MR – Process Flow Chart of Manage Management Representative
  7. E/QMS/02/PRD – Process Flow Chart of Production
  8. E/QMS/02/DND(PR) – Process Flow Chart of Process Design
  9. E/QMS/02/PUR – Process Flow Chart of Purchase
  10. E/QMS/02/QCD – Process Flow Chart of Quality Control
  11. E/QMS/02/STR – Process Flow Chart of Stores
  12. E/QMS/02/SUB – Process Flow for Subcontractor
  13. E/QMS/02/TRG – Process Flow for Training Activity

6. Exhibits (04 exhibits)

It covers Skill Requirements, Multi skill requirements, Document Identification and Codification System and Defect wise Disposal Of Non–Conforming Products & Services etc.
List of exhibits
  1. Exhibit for Skill requirements
  2. Exhibit for Multi skill requirements
  3. Exhibit for Document Identification and Codification System
  4. Exhibit for Defect wise Disposal Of Non–Conforming Products & Services

7. Work Instruction (29 work instruction for production and 03 for Q.C)

It covers machine wise operation work instruction for how to perform work on machine by operator.
List of work instruction
  1. W/PRD/01 – Cincinnati Center Less Grinding machine
  2. W/PRD/16 – Roundness Tester
  3. W/PRD/02 – I.B.G. – 3 Bore grinding Machine
  4. W/PRD/17 – Scar loss Center Less grinding machine
  5. W/PRD/03 – IBG in Bore Dept.
  6. W/PRD/18 – Outer Track Honing Machine (Siebu – 1 )
  7. W/PRD/19 – Inner Track Honing Machine (Siebu – 2 )
  8. W/PRD/04 – Inner Track in External Dept.
  9. W/PRD/05 – Outer Track in O/R Dept.
  10. W/PRD/20 – Bore grinding Machine (Sunrise China – 2 )
  11. W/PRD/06 – Initial Job Set Up
  12. W/PRD/21 – I.B.G. – 1 Bore grinding Machine
  13. W/PRD/22 – I.B.G. – 4 Bore grinding Machine
  14. W/PRD/07 – inner track grinding machine (gendrone)
  15. W/PRD/08 – INNER TRACK Grinding Machine (Toyoda)
  16. W/PRD/23 – Roundness Tester
  17. W/PRD/09 – Micron – 1 grinding machine
  18. W/PRD/24 – Outer track Grinding Machine (Toyo O/R – 02)
  19. W/PRD/10 – NIppy Duplex Surface Grinding Machine
  20. W/PRD/25 – Outer track Grinding Machine (Toyo O/R – 02)
  21. W/PRD/11 – Parivartan Surface Grinding Machine
  22. W/PRD/26 – Outer track Grinding Machine (Toyo O/R – 04)
  23. W/PRD/12 – Outer Track Honing Machine (Pragati – 1 )
  24. W/PRD/27 – Tools (Back Plate)
  25. W/PRD/13 – Inner Track Honing Machine (Pragati – 2 )
  26. W/PRD/28 – Tools (Quill)
  27. W/PRD/14 – Profile Projector
  28. W/PRD/29 – Tools (Shoe)
  29. W/PRD/15 – Roughness Tester
Quality Control
  1. W/QCD/01 – Incoming Inspection And Testing
  2. W/QCD/03 – Final Inspection & Testing
  3. W/QCD/02 – In Process testing

8. Plan (06 plan templates)

It covers a sample copy of plans are required to establish control and create system in the organization for monitoring and measuring. The samples given are guide for the user to follow. The organization is free to change the same to suit their own requirements. It can be used as templates. A total of 06 plans are provided as per the list given below
List of plans
  1. CAP/01 – Calibration plan
  2. CNP/01 – Contingency Plan
  3. CP/01 – Control Plan
  4. MSA/01 – Measurement system analysis plan
  5. PP/01 – Preservation plan
  6. VP/01 – Verification plan

9. Blank sample formats for all the departments (60 sample formats)

It covers a sample copy of blank forms that are required to maintain records as well as establish control and create system in the organization. The samples given are guide for the user to follow. The organization is free to change the same to suit their own requirements. It can be used as templates. A total of 60 blank formats are provided as per the list given below.
List of blank formats
  1. Master List & Distribution List of Documents
  2. List for Control of Customer Supplied Documents
  3. Change Note
  4. Communication Report
  5. Calibration Status of Instrument / Equipment
  6. Management review meeting
  7. Master List of Records
  8. Risk analysis Sheet
  9. Quality Objectives Monitoring Sheet
  10. Preventive Action Report
  11. Internal Audit Plan / Schedule
  12. Product / Process Audit Plan / Schedule
  13. IATF 16949:2016 QMS Clause wise Audit Review Report
  14. Product Process Audit Check List
  15. Internal Quality Audit Non– Conformity Report
  16. PP Quality Audit Non–Conformity Report
  17. Quality Objective Plan
  18. Potential Failure Mode Effects Analysis Sheet
  19. Corrective Action Report
  20. Process Control Plan
  21. List of Legal License / certificates
  22. List of Qualified Internal Auditor and Criteria
  23. List of External Origin Documents
  24. List of Applicable Statutory and Regulatory Requirements
HR & Training
  1. Training Calendar
  2. Training Attendance Sheet
  3. Training Need Cum Record Sheet
  4. Performance Appraisal Report – Functional Heads
  5. Induction Training Report
  6. Performance Appraisal Report – Staff
  7. Job Description And Specification
  8. Manpower Requirement Form
  9. Multi Skill Analysis
  1. Purchase Order
  2. Annual Purchase order
  3. Indent and Incoming Inspection Record
  4. Job Work Contract
  5. Approved external provider list & Annual purchase order
  6. Sub Contractor Audit Report
  7. External Provider Registration Form
  8. Vendor Rating
Sales & Marketing
  1. Enquiry / Contract Review Report
  2. Customers property monitoring Register
  3. Customer Complaints Report
  4. List of Customers with Specific Requirements
  5. Customer Feedback Form
  1. Disposal of Non–Conforming of Product & Service
  2. Disposal of Non–Conforming of Product & Service-Customer Returns Good
  3. Production Plan
Quality Control
  1. Incoming Inspection & Testing Report
  2. Final Inspection & Testing Report
Design & Development
  1. Design And Development Plan
  2. Design Review Minutes Of Meeting – Stage Wise Report
  1. Breakdown History Card
  2. Equipment Wise Preventive Maintenance Check Point
  3. Preventive Maintenance Schedule
Packing & Dispatch
  1. Packing Report / Slip
  2. Invoice / Bill
  1. Gate Pass
  2. Preservation Assessment Report
  3. Material Issue Slip
  4. Goods Receipt Note

10. IATF 16949:2016 Audit Checklist (More than 350 Questions)

This covers audit questions based on the IATF 16949:2016 requirements for each department as per the list of departments given below. It will be a very good tool for the auditors to make Audit Questionnaire for auditing. It will bring effectiveness in auditing. A total of more than 350 Questions are prepared on the basis of IATF 16949:2016. It can be logically used for auditing during internal audit for IATF 16949:2016 to establish proper audit trail

11. Sample risk assessment sheet

The ready-to-use risk template in editable form is given to prepare the risk document for the organization. It is given in an excel format and can be used as a template.

12. IATF 16949:2016 document compliance matrix

The IATF 16949:2016 clause requirement wise list of documented information reference of this kit is given in the compliance matrix for easy reference of user to understand how this system is made.

How useful?

  • The user can very easily modify the templates according to their products and create the documents for their organization within 3 days.
  • Our documents package enables you to change the contents and print as many copies as you need. The user can modify the documents as per their industry and create own documentation for their organization.
  • Such excellent documents give total help to users for making the best system. The ready tool kit of more than 350 IATF 16949 Quality management system audit checklist helps the organization to ensure the micro-level system is well established and nothing is missed out.
  • Complete demo of total documents with a quick buy option helps the user to understand the list of all documents provided by us.
  • Save much time and cost in document preparation.
  • Our products are highly sold globally and used by many multinational companies and had provided total customer satisfaction as well as value for money.
  • In preparation of document kits; it is been verified and evaluated at various levels of our team and more than 10000 hours are spent in preparation of this documentation kit.


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