
ISO 17021 2015 documents contain more than 75 editable MS-Word files. These editable documents address all the elements of certifying body accreditation. You can buy Documentation Kit for your certification based on ISO 17021 Standard.

  • A Manual
  • Required Procedures
  • Formats
  • Sample Filled Forms

Original price was: $900.00.Current price is: $760.00.



Our Documentation Kit is written in plain English to make easily customized by you without expertise in standards. We developed documentation kit while making it user-friendly, easy to learn
and time-saving.

Documentation Kit is designed by following four tiers of documents

•Tier 1- Manual–This provides the reference to each requirement of the standard. We make the structure of the manual same as the standard, so that you can easily understand and
follow requirements.

•Tier2-Procedures-This provides additional information referred in the manual that how you are doing specific activities in your organization

•Tier3-Formats-These are an actual document that you use to show your compliance with the standard.

We have added many documents for reference and use, however, you can add any additional document which is not part of our documentation kit, or can ignore those document which is not
applicable to your activities from our documentation kit.


Content of ISO 17021:2015 Documentation Kit – Manual, Procedures, Templates & Audit Checklist


The ISO 17021 Documentation – 2015 for conformity assessments includes following ready-to-use templates, which can accelerate the documentation process for accreditation to ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015.

  1. ISO 17021 Manual (10 chapters and 8 Annexure) to define how ISO 17021-1:2015 system is implemented. This describes the system at the macro level.
  2. Policies (04 policies) as per requirements of ISO 17021-1:2015.
  3. Mandatory Procedures (10 Procedures) for conformity assessment and guideline documents to describe the system at a micro level for the certifying.
  4. Standard Operating Procedures to follow while implementing an effective system (04 SOPs).
  5. Set of 38 blank sample forms and templates to fill up records and learn system requirements.
  6. ISO 17021 2015 Audit Checklist, to verify the implemented conformity assessment system and add effectiveness in the accreditation process. This is a good guide for internal audit to ensure the system is meeting ISO17021 requirements.
  7. Sample Risk templates to define risk area for the certifying body/ iso 17021 consultant and document for the organization.
  8. Compliance Matrix designed for ISO 17021:2015 requirements wise reference documents. So this is helpful for iso 17021 consultancy and/or any organization to establish linkage of requirements vs documents.


Documentation: –

Our document kit is having sample documents required for ISO/IEC 17021–1:2015 accreditation for Certifying Bodies as listed below. All documents are in word and you can edit it. You can do changes as per your company need and within a week your entire documents with all necessary controls are ready and our many organization are certified globally in 1st trial with the help of our documents from any stringent accreditation audit.
Under this directory further files are made in word Document as per the details listed below. All the documents are related to calibration laboratory.

1. Management System Manual (10 Chapters and 8 Annexure):

It covers sample copy of Quality manual and clause wise details for how ISO/IEC 17021–1:2015 systems are implemented. It covers list of procedures as well as overview of organization and covers tier1 of QMS o meet ISO/IEC 17021–1:2015 requirements for documents. It is having total 10 chapters covering company profile, amendment sheet, index, clause wise details as per
ISO/IEC 17021–1:2015 for implementation, sample Quality policy and organization chart. It covers sample copy of Quality manual and clause wise details for how ISO/IEC 17021–1:2015 systems
are implemented. It covers list of procedures as well as overview of organization and covers tier1 of ISO/IEC 17021–1:2015 documents.
Table Of Contents
Section – 1
1 Table of contents and amendment record Sheet
2 Authorization statement and Company profile
3 Control and distribution
Section – 2
4 to 10 ISO/IEC 17021 requirements wise details at macro level how the certifying body is operating to meet the requirements
Annexure–1 Organization chart
Annexure–2 Impartiality committee – Constitution, Roles and responsibilities
Annexure–3 Certification committee – Constitution, Roles and responsibilities
Annexure–4 Document map
Annexure–5 List of procedures
Annexure–6 Glossary of terms
Annexure–7 Audit and certification process
Annexure–8 Process flow for determining and maintaining competence
Note: – The Revision No. given above are at the time of issue of this manual. If any page is amended then latest Issue No. of such pages is recorded in amendment record sheet.

2. ISO/IEC 17021–1:2015 Policies (04 Policies)

It covers sample copy of mandatory policies covering all the details as per ISO/IEC 17021– 1:2015 requirements for Certifying Body (Issue the lists of sample policies are listed below.

List of Policies

1. Quality Policy
2. Confidentiality Policy
3. Impartiality Policy
4. Impartiality Committee Members


3. Procedures (10 procedures):

It covers sample copy of mandatory procedures covering all the details like purpose, scope, responsibility, how procedure is followed as well as list of exhibits, reference documents and
formats. The list of sample procedures provided is as below.

List of Procedures

1. Procedure for document and data control
2. Procedure for record management
3. Procedure for Internal audit
4. Procedure for Corrective actions
5. Procedure for management review
6. Procedure for Human resources
7. Procedure for complaints and appeals
8. Procedure for Marketing, contract and contract review
9. Procedure for audit – planning, conducting and reporting
10. Procedure for Certificate issue, suspension and withdrawal


4. Standard Operating procedures (04 Work Instructions):

It covers SOP and tables for guideline to staff for working. It covers standard operating procedures and guidelines to make good system. It is useful for testing process control and establishes
effective management system with good practices culture. It covers sample dos and don’ts and guideline as per details given below.

List of Work Instructions

1. WI_01 Standard operating procedures for auditor qualification
2. WI_02 Standard operating procedures for Sub contractor job responsibility
3. WI_03 Standard operating procedures for Man day estimation
4. WI_04 Standard operating procedures for Guidelines for ISO 9001 audit


5. Blank sample formats (38 sample formats)

It covers sample copy of blank forms required to maintain records as well as establish control and make system in the organization. The samples given are as a guide and not compulsory to follow and organization is free to change the same to suit own requirements. It can be used as templates and more than 38 formats are prepared as per list given below.

List of Formats

1. Document matrix
2. Change Note
3. Master List of Records
4. Audit Plan / Schedule
5. Non–Conformity Report
6. Internal audit report
7. Corrective action report
8. Preventive action report
9. Management Review Meeting Agenda
10. Contract for Employment
11. Subcontractor agreement 00
12. Confidentiality & impartiality declaration
13. CPD Form
14. Auditor Training Plan
15. Auditor evaluation form
16. Auditor Qualification Form
17. QMS Qualification summary
18. Performance Appraisal Form
19. EMS auditor qualification summary
20A. Competency Measurement 01 A Admin Assistant
20B. Competency Measurement 01 B Appeals Committee
20C. Competency Measurement 01 C ASE
20D. Competency Measurement 01 D Certification Committee
20E. Competency Measurement 01 E Impartiality Committee
20F. Competency Measurement 01 F Marketing
20G. Competency Measurement 01 G MD & ED
20H. Competency Measurement 01H Director
21. Training Need Identification
22. Training Calendar 00
23. Incident report
24. Incident Log
25. Questionnaire
26. Your Marketing brochures
27. Quotation
28. Contract review checklist
29. Change to Contract
30. Audit Notification 00
31. Stage 1 Audit Report
32. Stage 2 & Surveillance Audit Report
33. Certificate Format
34. Audit Report Review Checklist
35. Deviation note
36. Rules for use of Certification Mark and Logo 01
37. Customer Satisfaction Survey Form
38. Registered Firm


6. ISO/IEC 17021–1:2015 Audit Questionnaire (more than 300 question)

There covers audit questions based on ISO 17021–1:2015 requirements. It will be very good tool for the internal to make audit questionnaire while auditing and make effectiveness in auditing. Total more than 350 audit questions of ISO 17021–1:2015. It can be used as a very good tool for logically auditing during internal audit for ISO 17021– 1:2015.

7. Sample risk template

The ready to use risk template in editable form is given to prepare the risk document for the organization. It is given in excel and can be use as ready to use template.

8. ISO 17021-2015 compliance matrix

The ISO 17021-2015 requirement wise list of document reference of this kit is given in compliance matrix for ready reference to user to understand how this system is made.

How useful?

  • The user can modify readymade iso 17021 templates as per their working system and iso 17021 consultancy can create own documents for quick certification.
  • Procedures and formats provided in the iso 17021 documentation kit can help in fine-tuning the processes and establish better control over the management system.
  • It saves a lot of time and cost in document preparation. It gives value for money to customers and payback is very low.
  • Ready to use templates in word document format will reduce your time in the documentation process as well as useful in giving training to staff.
  • Takes care for all the sections and sub-sections to get better confidence as well as improve the system for iso 17021 certification with the help of iso 17021 audit checklist.
  • ISO 17021 audit checklist is given with more than 400 questions for the iso 17021 2015 audit, which easy to train all the employees for iso 17021 certification audit.

It is recommended the documentation kit shall be reviewed by senior management, managers, and employees as relevant to them which can help to understand ISO 17021-1:2015.